

朱雋琪 史学科班生

Jessey J.C. Choo

Inscribing Death: Burials, Representations, and Remembrance in Tang China

University of Hawai‘i Press,2022

ISBN 9780824877330


朱雋琪(Jessey J.C. Choo),美国罗格斯大学新布朗士维克分校中国史与宗教学系副教授。


This nuanced study traces how Chinese came to view death as an opportunity to fashion and convey social identities and memories during the medieval period (200-1000) and the Tang dynasty (618-907), specifically. As Chinese society became increasingly multicultural and multireligious, to achieve these aims people selectively adopted, portrayed, and interpreted various acts of remembrance. Included in these were new and evolving burial, mourning, and commemorative practices: joint-burials of spouses, extended family members, and coreligionists; relocation and reburial of bodies; posthumous marriage and divorce; interment of a summoned soul in the absence of a body; and many changes to the classical mourning and commemorative rites that became the norm during the period. Individuals independently constructed the socio-religious meanings of a particular death and the handling of corpses by engaging in and reviewing acts of remembrance.

Drawing on a variety of sources, including hundreds of newly excavated entombed epitaph inscriptions, Inscribing Death illuminates the process through which the living--and the dead--negotiated this multiplicity of meanings and how they shaped their memories and identities both as individuals and as part of collectives. In particular, it details the growing emphasis on remembrance as an expression of filial piety and the grave as a focal point of ancestral sacrifice. The work also identifies different modes of construction and representation of the self in life and death, deepening our understanding of ancestral worship and its changing modus operandi and continuous shaping influence on the most intimate human relationships--thus challenging the current monolithic representation of ancestral worship as an extension of families rather than individuals in medieval China.


依据多种类型的中古文献,尤其是数以千计的新出土墓志铭,《铭刻死亡》 细致地追溯了人们在中古时期(200—1000),尤其是在唐代(618—907) ,将死亡视为形塑与传达社会身份与记忆的机会之过程演变。随着中古社会和信仰的逐渐多元,人们开始选择性地采用、重述和诠释各类追念行仪,从而达到形塑及传达身份和记忆的目的。这其中包括择用新兴且具有争论性的葬俗、丧仪和纪念方式:如衬葬、合葬、权葬、迁葬、改葬、冥婚与冥离婚、和招魂葬等等,还有在这一时期成为常规的许多对儒家经典范式改造而来的下葬,服丧与祭祀仪礼。本书着力阐释为何特定的追念行仪越来越被视为孝道的一种表现,而坟墓也逐渐取代家庙成为祭祖的重地,进而探讨人们如何通过参与和审视这些追念行仪的实践,以自己的方式建构起个别死亡与治丧活动之社会及宗教意义。本论著尤其专注于分析生者与逝者之间对表达多重意义和塑造个人兼团体身份与记忆所进行的协商。从识别在生前死后建构与重述自我的主要模式,本书加深了我们对祖先崇拜不断变化的行为规范,以及这种行为规范对亲密人际关系塑造的持续影响之了解,从而挑战了现今将敬祖视为中古家族而非个人之延伸的单一论点。(译文作者未知,按大陆表述习惯修改了个别词汇,来源于作者推特)


